Eco-Friendly Sports: How Kids Can Help the Planet While Playing

Eco-Friendly Sports: How Kids Can Help the Planet While Playing

When we let our kids play outside, we are doing two things: we’re giving them the chance to engage in fun, physical activity that enriches their mind and body, but we’re also re-introducing them to a world that many of us forget exists when we’re doomscrolling through our phone; the world outside. For the better part of the last month, one of our main focuses here at Cultured Athlete has been to engage with readers on the importance of playing outside.

We have spoken at length about outdoor sports, summer sports, winter sports, and any number of physical activities that can and should be done out in nature. The reason this is so important to us is because it is also important to our kids, to their future. The world that we live in, the natural one that we so often take for granted, is going to pass on to our children someday. Just as we are stewards of the planet now, they too shall be some day. Thats why we as parents want them to see how important it is, not just as a means for making fun memories, but because without the outside, the inside would become quite in tolerable.

That is why we are trying to teach folks that having fun, staying active, and building skills in sports can all be utilized as opportunities for kids and parents to make a positive impact on the planet. We can achieve this fairly easily as well, by simply adopting a few eco-friendly practices. In this way, our children can learn to care for their environment while still enjoying their favorite activities.

That is why, in this article, we will take a mild departure from our regularly-scheduled discussion of youth sports to focus on some environmentally-friendly options. We will teach parents how to choose sustainable equipment, reduce waste, and give insight into how kids and parents can work together to ensure their sports experiences are as eco-friendly as possible!

The Environmental Impact of Sports

Believe it or not, sports have a surprisingly big environmental footprint. It actually makes a lot of sense if you think it through, especially considering the untold billions that professional sports bring in each year. Whether from the production of equipment to the energy consumed during games and events, to the countless bits of paper and plastic that gets strewn about throughout the course of a game, the ecological impact adds up pretty quickly. Moreover, that impact tends to veer more towards the overwhelmingly negative rather than positive. Consider these specific examples:

Plastic Waste: Sports events often generate an obscenely large amount of trash, including plastic water bottles, snack wrappers, cups, wrappers, containers, cans, and disposable utensils.

Carbon Footprint: Travel to and from games and tournaments, as well as the copious amounts of energy used for lighting and heating facilities, vastly contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. These emissions end up contributing to climate change, which has a lasting effect on our weather and the rapidly disappearing natural habitats of plants and animals.

Non-Biodegradable Gear: Much of the equipment used in sports, like synthetic turf, rubber balls, and polyester jerseys, is not biodegradable and they are certainly not sustainable. When they have worn out their usefulness, these assorted pieces of trash end up rotting in landfills, breaking down into harmful chemicals or dangerous microplastics that affect our very health.

    The good news in all this is that there actually quite a few things that we can do to mitigate the environmental toll that sports are putting on the planet. That’s correct, kids, parents, and coaches can make a big difference by taking simple, sustainable actions.

    Choosing Sustainable Sports Equipment

    One of the easiest ways to make sports eco-friendly is by selecting the most sustainable equipment available. Obviously, the most impactful way to do this is on a grand scale, with professional teams choosing to do this first and foremost, while minor leagues follow the trend. Nevertheless, in the absence of such sweeping alterations in pro sports protocol, there are still things we little people can do to enact change. The truth is, many companies now offer gear made from recycled or renewable materials.

    • Soccer Balls: When finding sustainable soccer balls, look for those that are made from sustainably sourced rubber or recycled materials.
    • Uniforms: If your kid’s team is looking at uniforms and you get a say, convince the group to opt for those made from organic cotton or recycled polyester. Bear in mind that some brands even offer clothing dyed with eco-friendly methods, which can greatly reduce water usage and pollution.
    • Shoes: Eco-friendly athletic shoes have become more and more popular in recent years. Some brands use exclusively recycled plastic, while others have made shoes out of plant-based materials like cactus leather. Then there are those companies that have opted for carbon-neutral production processes rather than ones that heavily pollute the air or environment.
    • Tennis Rackets and Hockey Sticks: Many sports equipment manufacturers have started using bamboo or other eminently sustainable materials instead of traditional composites for things like hockey sticks and tennis rackets.

    As parents, it is also a good idea to encourage our kids to take care of their equipment and to treat it with respect, not accidentally damage it or improperly store it. This saves you money while simultaneously reducing waste. Remember, properly maintained gear lasts longer, and the less sports-related trash that ends up in landfills, the better.

    Recycling and Upcycling Old Gear

    Kids outgrow everything, sneakers, jeans, backpacks, and especially sports equipment. When that happens, most of us tend to just throw it away; but there are other, more eco-friendly alternatives to just trashing it.

    • Donate: If a shirt is in tatters or a sneaker full of holes, then it’s likely not going to be accepted as a donation. However, many organizations accept gently used sports equipment. These pieces of equipment can be used by kids who might not otherwise be able to afford them. In this way, donation programs benefit both the environment and our local communities.
    • Upcycle: Just because an old tennis racket can’t be used to serve anymore, doesn’t mean it can’t serve another purpose! Old equipment can be turned into something new and fun; you just need a little imagination. Just do a quick internet search and we’re sure you’ll find dozens of crafty upcycling ideas. Soccer balls might be transformed into planters, while the tennis racket we mentioned earlier? That can be repurposed into a unique mirror for a tennis-loving teen or even a funky art frame.
    • Recycling Programs: Many companies and organizations go out of their way to help folks recycle old equipment. These folks often specialize in recycling sports gear, like the rubber from old running shoes. Those weathered old soles can be used to make playground surfaces or even track fields; which is honestly kind of delightfully ironic, actually.

    Our kids learn about recycling from a very young age, so most understand its overall importance in the grand scheme of things. Recycling sports equipment adds on to this understanding by teaching kids the importance of giving items a second life. It also helps them build good habits in the areas of reducing waste and conserving limited natural resources.

    Reducing Waste at Sports Events

    We come to the biggest of the environmental issues caused by sports; major sporting events. Heck, even minor league or local games create an awful lot of waste. The problem is a societal one; we don’t realize how much waste, plastic, and pollution we actually contribute; neither individually or even as a culture. It isn’t until we see the evidence, overflowing garbage pails at a baseball stadium or the plastic floating in the river near a soccer field, that we understand the environmental impact.

    The silver lining in all of this is that our kids see it too; oftentimes before we do. Therefore, with a little planning and some self-awareness, we can minimize our individual impact. Here are some ways kids, parents, and their teams can help:

    Reusable Bottles and Containers: Parents should encourage players to bring reusable water bottles and snack containers instead of single-use plastic bottles or bags.

    Eco-Friendly Snacks: When preparing for a game, try and pack snacks in biodegradable packaging instead of zip-top baggies. You could even use cloth wraps and reusable utensils if you need to.

    Recycling Stations: When you are at a game or setting up for one, make sure to clearly label all recycling bins and remind everyone to actually use them! Having things clearly labeled and accessible will make it far easier for everyone to dispose of their trash items in a responsible manner.

    Carpooling: If you have to drive to a game, arrange carpools to reduce the number of cars on the road. doing this one, simple thing will cut down on carbon emissions more than you might realize; especially if you’re all coming from the same general neighborhood to begin with.

    Digital Programs: Instead of printing event schedules or programs, send out an email, a text, or otherwise distribute them digitally. Many teams also have apps for kids, coaches, and parents to use that will make this way easier and more accessible.

      By making any or all of these small changes, kids sports teams can significantly reduce their environmental impact.

      Exploring Green Sports Facilities

      Another way that kids can embrace eco-friendly sports is by playing those sports in green facilities. What exactly is a “green facility” you may ask? Well, some sports complexes are designed with sustainability in mind. This means they utilize renewable energy, water-saving features, and environmentally friendly materials in their construction. At the same time, these facilities might include recyclable materials in their snack packaging or water bottle filling stations instead of selling water bottles.

      • Solar Power: Many stadiums and fields are now powered by massive solar panels, which greatly reduces their reliance on fossil fuels. Even some of the largest and most popular sports complexes in the world, such as MetLife Stadium, have these solar panels.
      • Rainwater Harvesting: Some facilities are even equipped with rainwater harvesting systems that allow them to reuse water for irrigation and cleaning purposes.
      • Artificial Turf: While not all synthetic turf is considered to be eco-friendly, some manufacturers are able to produce recyclable turf. Grass might seem better for the planet, but turf made from recyclable materials does not need to be watered, clipped, or treated with chemicals, so it actually ends up being better for the environment in the long-term.

      If your local community is affluent in any way or is considering investing in their sports facilities, it might be a good time to attend town meetings. Try and encourage them to invest in green sports facilities or equipment. This will help promote sustainability on a much larger scale and may even help your local environment in ways you hadn’t imagined, but that might one day benefit your children.

      Teaching Kids the Value of Sustainability

      We have spoken at length about the value of incorporating eco-friendly practices into sports and how these practices can have a meaningful impact on the environment at large. Yet, this has to be about more than just the environment. Teaching kids the value of personal responsibility, sustainability, resourcefulness, and respect for the planet is extremely important for ensuring that they live their lives with positive, uplifting sensibilities. There are ways to do this that go beyond just imparting lessons through sustainable practices as well,

      • Team Challenges: Try and set sustainability challenges, such as collecting a certain amount of recyclables at events or planting trees as a team to encourage this type of eco-conscious behavior.
      • Education: Teach your children about the environmental impact of sports and show them how even the smallest actions can make a big difference in the long-run.
      • Leadership: Encourage your children to take the lead in promoting eco-friendly practices within their teams and communities.

      By involving kids in these efforts in a meaningful way, parents can empower them to become environmental champions both on and off the field.

      Cultured Athlete Says…

      It has been a fun departure from our usual discourse, but it has also been an important one. These days, where the future of our environment hangs by a thread, sports and sustainability must go hand in hand. By making simple, eco-friendly choices and teaching our children to do the same, they can continue to enjoy their favorite activities while helping to protect their planet. After all, it will be theirs someday, and like their favorite baseball mitt or tennis racket, they need to know how best to take care of it and ensure it lasts a lifetime.

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